Achieving Product-Market Fit for a Cutting-Edge Food Delivery Scale-Up

The Challenge

Our client, an innovative food delivery scale-up, had a product in the market but was facing stagnation in user adoption. Despite an appealing concept, they struggled to gain the traction necessary for growth.

The Solution

We intervened to reassess their product-market fit through meticulous research. By engaging in comprehensive customer and stakeholder interviews, we unearthed insights that were instrumental in redefining the product's design and strategy.
Our approach centred on design thinking, transforming raw data into actionable design elements that better resonated with the target audience.

The Outcome

Following the redesign, the client experienced a noticeable increase in user engagement and market penetration. The research-driven approach yielded a product better aligned with market demands, thus enhancing their competitive advantage.

Elevating Design Capability in a Health Tech Start-Up


Providing elite practitioners for a major financial services bank